Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Conquered the Longest Trail In Penang (Apr 3, 2011)

This was my second time joining Anak Hutan to do hiking through Laksamana to Penang Hill. We assembled at Ayer Itam on 7.30am and take a bus pool to the Hutan Lipur Teluk Bahang to start the hike. After taking some group photos and briefing by the organizer about the safety and do and don't during the hike, we started the hike at 8.57am. It was about 90 participants for this hike so we have been separated into different groups during the hike depending on the pace or speed of the hikers. There is not much branches along the way so it is pretty safe to walk on our on and stop and wait for people behind if we reach a branch that we are not familiar with. I can see most participants were highly motivated to finish the hike regardless of the tiredness along the hike. Some of the hikers were helpful that they will run back along the hike just to help their team members overcome some difficult obstacles. This is a great team spirit that every hiker must have!!

Personally, I had a muscle pulled on all muscles on my thigh or lower legs half way along the hike. This was my very first time feeling such a big muscle pain during the hike. Initially I thought I will not be able to complete the hike. I tried hard to stretch my leg muscle along the hike and keep my cadence slow to reduce the impact of the muscle pull. Also, I get some cooling gel from Bunny to apply to my muscle but it seems not so effective. With nothing else I can do, I tried to hike and rest along the way until I reach the end of the jungle trail in 4hrs. Then, I need to walk 1 more hour on Tar road to reach the peak of Penang Hill!! As usual, I ordered Ice Kacang and Fried rice to fill my stomach with food. Then we waited for the truck to drive us down the hill to Youth Park.

It was a great experience to have successfully conquered the longest trail in Penang for the second time!!

On the way!!

Warming up!! 

Sub-Group Photo


Fella Photographers!

Big group of hikers!

Starting time!! 

Start it out!! 

First junction!!

Leafs colored turtle, luckily did not step on it!

Eagle Point!

Well known eagle view point! But it has become so dangerous to step on it.

End of jungle trekking

All the up to the peak of Penang Hill!! 

My motivation along the hike!!

Teluk Bahang Dam

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